sobota, 18. julij 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I can't think straight today. The weather is rainy and's a perfect day for blogging, actually. So, here are 2 blogs that are worth to be seen:

Lucia Holm and Joanna B. are two really inspiering photographers.


So, earlyer in the morning, I was thinking about many things and I came up with the moo mini cards. I think I'm gonna get some of them.

And I think I need another photoshoot. This was the last photoshoot that I've done:

But I don't know if I could pull it off, becouse my camera is quite old and it's falling apart, actually. I really need a new one. Any suggestions?

3 komentarji:

  1. thanks for recommending my blog lovely!
    definitely get some moo cards. they're great quality!

  2. love this shot! thanks for the kind words miss!
